

《365滚球官网》是犹他大学的一项长期计划, weekly message straight from the president to members of the Vandal Family. 在学年的每个星期, 有假期休息, the president offers an update on Vandal teaching and learning, 研究和奖学金, 以及值得注意的倡议和优先事项. 校友 and friends are welcome to join students, faculty and staff in receiving the newsletter.

总统办公室| president@mypersonalfriends.net


As we reflect on the 2023-24 academic year, there is much to celebrate as Vandals. We’re approaching several long-standing goals and continue to lay a strong foundation for the future at the University of Idaho.

稳定的入学人数增长对我们的成功至关重要. As many universities across the country struggle, we’re excelling. After welcoming our second-largest freshman class in history last fall, 我们把大部分增长带入了 春季学期. 春季入学人数比2023年增长了近6%. Signs are also pointing to another great class of Vandals arriving in the fall, with our UI Bound orientation event attendance up 9% so far this spring.

In addition, we increased both our graduation rate and our freshman retention rate in 2023. Both of these metrics are critical as we strive to provide every student that starts at the U of I every opportunity to earn a degree.

Our faculty continue to punch above their weight in winning research grants. 在2023财政年度, we shattered last year’s record for research expenditures with nearly $136 million. 今年春天,我们继续引进具有变革意义的拨款.

Shelley McGuire is leading an $11 million grant from the National Institutes of 健康 to launch a research center in 妇女的营养和健康. 最近, Tara Hudiburg landed a $15 million grant from the National Science Foundation to establish the 灰烬 (Embedding Molecular Biology in Ecosystem 研究) Institute.

The U of I’s leadership in water research took a step forward with the 肯德拉·凯泽的雇佣 as director of the Idaho Water 资源 研究 Institute. Kaiser will begin in July and her presence in Boise will help build our programs, 尤其是爱达荷州西南部.

我们的核工程项目继续获得动力. 去年年底, the U of I joined the Idaho Advanced Energy Consortium’s development of the 西部山间核能走廊. The new Tech Hubs program brings funding to regions identified for their high potential for globally competitive innovation.

去年年底, the Chronicle of Education evaluated research categories under a new nationwide rubric. They determined which universities will qualify for the highest indicator of research activity, R1, in the next release in late 2025 or early 2026 and identified the U of I as one of the universities that will move up. 得益于我们的辛勤工作和战略投资, we are on the cusp of reaching our goal of being recognized among the top research institutions in the nation.

Support from alumni, community partners and private donors fuels much of our success at the U of I. The Vandal Family’s generosity was on full display in April as we shattered our Vandal Giving Day record. 在1889分钟内,我大学筹集了超过1美元.从2324份礼物中获得100万美元.

365滚球官网. 大胆的. 不可阻挡的. campaign is going strong, with more than $430 million donated to the U of I. We’re on track to reach our goal of $500 million by the end of 2025.

Looking ahead, the 2024-25 academic year is filled with opportunities. We’ll begin composing our strategic plan to guide us in the years ahead and we will be seeking input from alumni, 员工, 学生和社区成员. Vandal football is looking to make another deep playoff run and our U of I soccer team will defend its Big Sky title in the fall. 在你的日历上标记9月9日的伊利诺伊大学返校节. 28日至10月. 5.

I hope you’re able to spend time with friends and family this summer, 也许是在探索我们美丽的州. We appreciate the support of our Vandal Family as we strive to elevate and illuminate our students.


C. 斯科特绿色



伊利诺伊大学大三学生黛娜·布特隆获得了戈德华特奖学金, one of the most prestigious science awards in the country for undergraduate students. Buitron, 从考德威尔, explores the potential of antifungals as therapeutics in the lab of Associate Professor Paul Rowley. The first-generation college student is one of just 438 Goldwater Scholars in the nation.


Kendra Kaiser will join the U of I in July to lead the Idaho Water 资源 研究 Institute. 凯泽将以博伊西为基地,领导该研究所, which directs research to support the water resource needs of Idaho. Kaiser previously worked as an assistant research faculty member at Boise State University.


U of I senior Claire Smith came up with a novel way to capture biometric data for female athletes. 和汪达尔排球运动员一起做模特, Smith designed a sports bra with an adjustable chest band and embedded biometric sensors. The Genesee native graduated last week and plans to pursue a master’s degree in family and consumer sciences at the U of I.

Hanna Tait was named the Big Sky Conference Outdoor Track and Field Female Freshman of the Year after winning the title in the heptathlon last week in Bozeman, 蒙大拿.




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